Rick Mautz MS, PT                                                                         Volunteer Interns to be added 
Director of Rocky Mountain Lifestyle Center.                                                          Soon

Rick Mautz is the Director of the Rocky Mountain Lifestyle Center.  He and his wife Cheryl live in Denver Colorado with their son, his wife and two granddaughters.  He is a graduate of Loma Linda University in Physical Therapy and has a master’s degree in Human Biology.

His background includes not only the practice of Physical Therapy but has enjoyed seven years of residential lifestyle medicine work at both Weimar Institute in California and Hartland Institute in Virginia.  More recently he founded and directed the Department of Lifestyle Medicine at Feather River Hospital in Paradise California. 

With his background in Lifestyle Medicine, he continues to focus on teaching and assisting others in the area of preventing disease and living a healthy life.  Because of this he has taken further training and enjoys teaching others coaching skills to help them achieve their personal health goals.  He says that giving health information is never enough, and we should never be satisfied till people are actually successful in achieving their personal goals in health and wellness.